Activity Framework

DSF seeks to empower smallholder farms in most marginalized areas of Maharashtra. Methods to achieve goals include
Ensure second cropping in areas of water surplus villages
Promote vegetable cultivation, Floriculture and Tree plantation
Technology advancements like Refrigeration cold storage unit to be introduced
Introduce farmers to allied agriculture activities like Sericulture
Solar lift irrigation project
Livelihood centres promoting rural employment using solar energy

The programme aims at ensuring quality education to all students through which they can turn into alert and aware citizens.
Promote Early Childhood Education low-cost techniques and hand holding
Effective delivery of Dyaan Rachna Vaad through Zilla Parishad school teachers
Infrastructure as a Learning Aid
Effective pedagogy for students

The focus is to create access to the existing health system and develop health-seeking behaviour among vulnerable sections of society
Conduct health days to promote cordial dialogue between the service providers and beneficiaries
Conduct Home visits to create awareness about maternal and child health (MCH), behaviour change communication (BCC), Child Health and Nutrition (CHN)
Conduct Mata Samiti and VHNSC meetings
Ensure Community mobilization for management of malnourished children (CMAM)
Networking And referrals